February 10, 2021

Kelowna musician’s anti-bullying anthem receives international award

Published on
11 Jan 2022

A Kelowna-based singer-songwriter Megan Freedman continues her rise in the music scene with another award-winning music video.

Despite COVID-19 restrictions, Freedman was able to shoot her music video, Perfect, with local filmmakers Carey Missler and Evan Berg, during the summer.

Freedman said the original plan for the video looked a lot different than what they ended up with.

“First, we had to delay it. Originally, we were going to shoot in April for a late spring release, which was cancelled,” she said.

“The original plan was that we were going to do a large-scale flash mob but early on, we started to gear away from that as we saw how the pandemic unfolded. Originally, we wanted to have different actors for each verse of the song and then I was going to be singing to them.”